Free Week After-Party Sagacious Zoo at Sundown at Granada atSundown at Granada
Wednesday, July 18 2018

Sundown at Granada & Time2Fly Music Present:
[ real food. real music. real local. ]

Sagacious Zoo (Dallas, TX)
[ rock / folk / punk / jazz ]

Dallas progressive indie rock pop band that will make your vegan juicer stand up and say hello!

Influences include: Punch Brothers, Snarky Puppy, At the Drive-In, of Montreal, Led Zeppelin, Yes, Pixies, The Last Bison, Bomb the Music Industry!, Neon Indian, Kings of Leon, Bright Eyes, Alabama Shakes, Radiohead, Fleet Foxes, Modest Mouse

– No Cover –

Catch a full evening of quality jams on Greenville on Wednesday, July 18!

The *official* after-party for Funk Night of Free Week at Granada Theaterfeat. Henry + The InvisiblesSpoonfed TribeChilldren Of Indigo, & Electrik Ants